C.A.R.E.S. Team Update

Lee Kay
The CARES Team was able to team up with Catoosa Fuller Center for Housing and Ringgold First Baptist church on Saturday June 29th to do cleanup and repair work to the house of a local community member. RUMC had five people: Donna Greeson, Marty McGee, Gary Reed, Terry Barker and Lee Kay.  Lots of work was done with more to come on Saturday July 20th where we will do more repairs to the house and build a ramp.

If you would like to participate and join the team, please contact Lee Kay (423) 580-6596 or lee@ringgoldumc.org.

PIE Note Writing Campaign for Our Schools

Sally Ensley
Once again this year, our Partners in Education (PIE) team is sponsoring a note writing campaign. This is a great opportunity to reach out to the teachers and employees of the four schools with which we partner: Ringgold High School, Ringgold Middle School, Ringgold Elementary School and our own Preschool. We want to welcome them back to a new school year with words of encouragement and reminders that we are praying for all of them and our schools! We will be delivering around 350 notes and definitely need your help in getting them all done! During the week of August 12th, we will be offering 3 different times for you to help us work on the notes. Each time is in conjunction with another activity at the church:

Monday, August 19 - 2:00 (immediately following NCIC)
Tuesday, August 13 - 11:00am (immediately following exercise class)
Wednesday, August 14 - 2:30pm (immediately following our afternoon book study)

If none of these times work with your schedule, please see Cathy Billington or Sally and we will find a way for you to be involved. Thanks in advance for your support of RUMC’s efforts to show our support of our schools!!!


Kirsten Lankford
For the month of August, Faithworks will be collecting items for Communities in Schools and Bethel Bible Village! According to their website, the mission of Communities in Schools is “to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.” We will be collecting hygiene items that will go to kids in our county whose basic needs are not always met. Bethel Bible Village is just 30 minutes down the road, and they provide residential care and a private school for children who are facing adversity. We will be collecting hygiene items for them, also, but please feel free to add a fun personal item, such as a journal! Both organizations will be giving these items to middle and high schoolers. If you don’t have time to shop for things at the store, we could also use financial contributions towards purchasing tote bags that we can divide our donations into. As always, thank you for being a giving church!

Children’s Choir

Taylor Lankford
It is with both jubilation and thanksgiving that I get to let you know about our new Children’s Choir starting this month. Kirsten, our Director of Children’s Ministries, and I are inviting all kids from 3rd grade through 7th grade to participate in this brand-new choral ensemble. We will begin weekly rehearsals on Wednesday evening August 14, 2024 at 5:30 pm in the Choir Room. Rehearsal will be a joy-filled 30 minutes leading straight into Kids’ and Youth Game Night. During these rehearsals, kids will discover their voice, develop vocal/ensemble technique, play music games, learn musical concepts, and get to know the great songs of the church. We do ask that participants commit to attending rehearsal as regularly as possible as we prepare the choir to sing songs together in church, concerts, etc.  

Kirsten and I are both skilled and experienced music teachers, and we are very excited to be leading this choir as a team. If you have any questions or would like to know more, please contact either one of us. taylor@ringgoldumc.org or kirsten@ringgoldumc.org. I hope you will consider signing up the 3rd-7th grader in your life for this amazing musical opportunity.

Online Ministry Update

Lee Kay
Online Ministry continues to reach many people each week. The last six month average weekly online attendance are as follows: Traditional  = 46, Contemporary = 27.

As the Online Lay person, Lee Kay is asking for advice on how we could make online worship more connected to in-person worship, and better connect to classes and mission activities for our online members. Current service opportunities exist for individuals that would be willing to monitor the church app and Facebook page during the 9 and 11 services. All that is required is to welcome, encourage, answer questions and general communications with those on each platform. You can sign up to monitor one service and either church app or Facebook during that service. There is an immediate need for monitors for the 9am service.

Don’t miss a service, as you travel during the summer months using the RUMC App, Facebook, YouTube, or www.churchanywhere.tv. Connect with Lee Kay at Lee@ringgoldumc.org


Janet Cumbee
It’s that time of year again! Everyone will soon be settling into their school and work routines after summer vacations. We are ready to settle into our NCIC routine of packing snack sacks.

Packing will begin on Monday, August 19, at 1:00 in the gym. NCIC serves 13 schools in Catoosa.

County for approximately 1675 sacks a week. We would love to have you join us!


Laurie McGee
Our church provides meals for the families of members who have passed away. This may include a sit down meal or providing items at the funeral home. There are many ways you can help to provide this service.

  • Provide food as requested
  • Provide drinks/rolls as requested
  • Set up, clean up or serve during the meal
  • Provide money to offset the cost of the meal
  • Pick up and deliver food to the funeral home

If you would like to be added to the committee, please email me at lgmcgee@msn.com and let me know what you would be able to do.

If you would like to provide monetary support for this service, please designate your gift to the Funeral Meal Fund. You can do this through the giving section on the RUMC app. Select Campus as Missions and select Funeral Meals under the fund drop down section. You can also write a check and add FUNERAL MEAL FUND on the memo line.

It is always a great honor to be able to provide a time of fellowship for families following the passing of a loved one. Your service and contribution is greatly appreciated.

RHS Football Team Feeding

Beth Kellerhals
Hey everyone!  Our church will be tailgating before the Heritage vs. Ringgold football game scheduled for August 30th, at Ringgold High School. Ringgold High School, one of our Partners in Education schools, has requested that we also feed the football team that afternoon. Different organizations/groups in the community are asked to feed the team each week. This is a great way to show support for our partner school & these young men. Please put this date on your calendar and plan to help us prepare, serve, and/or clean up. We will be serving a total of 75 players & coaches. They are always so polite & appreciative, it will do your heart good! A sign up sheet and more information will be coming soon!


(Please see handout in the Connections Corner for regularly scheduled activities)
Blessing of the Backpacks
Sunday, August 4 •During Worship

Preschool Open House
Monday, August 5 • 3-5pm

Sign Up to Serve Sunday
Sunday, August 11 • During Worship

Dinner with Dudes
Sunday, August 11 • 5-7pm

Supper with Sally
Sunday, August 11 • 5-7pm

August 49ers
Tuesday, August 13 • 6-7:30pm

NCIC Resumes
Monday, August 19 • 1pm

Ringgold VS Heritage Football Tailgate
Friday, August 30 • 5-7:30pm

Have an article that you would like to contribute to an upcoming The Communicator newsletter? Email it to: newsletter@ringgoldumc.org

For an article to be included in the August edition, it must be submitted by July 17th.


General Budget
Full Year Budget: $610,500
Budgeted in June: $50,875
Received in June: $45,465
Spent in June: $52,048
Budgeted June YTD: $305,250
Received June YTD: $300,459
Spent June YTD: $302,054


In Person :
9 AM: 73
11 AM: 60
9AM: 32
11 AM: 17


General Fund
In Memory of Dick Clark
by Con & Beth Kellerhals

In Memory of Jerry Watkins
by Aubrey & Donna Greeson

In Memory of Tom Billington by:
Mary Staples
Carroll & Janet Cumbee

Local Teacher Partnership
In Memory of Tom Billington
by Con & Beth Kellerhals

In Memory of Dick Clark by:
Con & Beth Kellerhals
Barbara Barger

In Memory of Jerry Watkins
by Barbara Barger

SPRC Discretionary Fund
In Memory of Linda Elrod
by Con & Beth Kellerhals
Ringgold United Methodist Church
706-935-4777 | www.ringgoldumc.org
7484 Nashville St
Ringgold, GA 30736

David Cott, Senior Pastor
Sally Ensley, Minister of Care
Kirsten Lankford, Director of Children’s Ministry
Michael Arnold, Worship Band Leader
Kodi Lowry, Director of Preschool
Taylor Lankford, Executive Director of Worship and the Arts
Marty McGee, Coordinator of Senior Adult Ministries
Pam Blaylock, Office Administrator
Drew Sherrill, Communications and Technical Director
Jamie Smith, Director of Youth Ministry
Carolyn Turner, Organist
Ann McMillen, Pianist