By Carroll Cumbee, Finance Chair &
Chris Bryant, Senior Pastor
If you haven’t heard, the mortgage on the Administrative and Pre-School Wing of the church has been paid off! This has been accomplished through multiple giving campaigns and in most recent years people giving to the “Building Fund.”

The Building Fund was a separate account established for the sole purpose of the monthly mortgage payments. By Finance Committee vote all money given to the fund after the mortgage pay-off in September has and will be transferred to the “Maintenance & Repair Reserve Fund.”

The Maintenance & Repair Reserve Fund was established several years ago and placed in the purview of the RUMC Trustees. The Trustees use this Fund, which currently has approximately $60,000, to address immediate, as well as plan for long-term building maintenance, repairs and updates. This Fund will need to continue to grow and do so substantially in the coming years with the many ongoing requirements a facility like ours has.
The Finance Committee recognizes that many have given memorial and honor gifts to the building fund and affirms this continued practice with the knowledge that such gifts will no longer be used to pay a mortgage but will be used to keep the RUMC facility in good shape. Continue to mark your special financial gift “building” or “building fund” and it will be used in the manner described above.

The Trustees next most immediate projects include resealing and re-striping both parking lots; repair of the church bell, installation of a new kitchen dish-washer, repainting the MPR and refurnishing the Youth Room. Continued financial gifts will help make projects like this possible as well as long-term projects like the completion of HVAC replacements and a roof replacement.


By Beth Kellerhals
We have finally paid off the building mortgage!  The preschool & administration wings were completed in 2007.  RUMC borrowed 1.25 million dollars to pay for the construction of these wings, and we have been working to pay off the mortgage since then.  We plan to celebrate this accomplishment on Sunday, November 26. We will have a joint worship service at 10:30am, combining the traditional & contemporary services, followed a by covered dish lunch.  Please mark your calendars now and plan to attend!


By Pat Brinsfield
The packing party for the shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child is November 4th from 10 until noon in the gym. We plan to pack 300 boxes!! Items to pack the boxes will be provided. Families who fill boxes at home will need to return them to the church not later than Sunday, November 12th. They will be transported to a local pick up point on November 13th. Thank you for your contribution to this worthy organization.


By Eddie Floyd
The CHILDREN’S CELEBRATION OF CHRISTMAS is on the calendar for December 9, 2023. Years ago, RUMC began helping families in the community during the Christmas season. While doing this, we started opening the sanctuary and presenting the real story of Christmas.  It takes months to get ready for this event.

Soon you will see Red Bags at the church entrances.  Inside each bag is a list of items that cannot be bought with food stamps, such as cleaning supplies, paper products, toothpaste, etc.  You can help by taking a bag and returning it filled with these items by the end of November.  You can also help by picking up a few non-perishable food items to fill food boxes. These items will be collected through November at the front and back entrances.
In November, we will begin to distribute invitations and registration forms to families who may need a little extra help this year.  These are handed out through several elementary schools, social workers, and others who regularly come in contact with people seeking assistance.  Our goal is to contact families primarily with children under 12 years of age.  The whole family is welcome and often includes grandparents.

On Wednesday, December 6th, you can help wrap gifts, fill stockings and pack food boxes in the gym.  This begins about 5pm and lasts until it is done!  It is simple, easy and even the older kids can help.  

THE MAIN EVENT is Saturday, December 9th this year, (second Saturday in December).  We plan to open our doors and welcome guests arriving at 5:00 p.m.  But even before that, there will be food prep and set-up.  

During this event, the children visit and have photos taken with Santa, guests will be served a turkey and dressing meal with a birthday cake for the Christ Child as dessert.  After dinner, a Christmas program is presented in the sanctuary while the fellowship hall is cleaned up.
After the program, the guests return for the distribution of gifts and stockings.  These are selected specifically for each child with age, gender, and preferences taken into consideration.  The stockings are filled with wonderful, age-appropriate goodies.

At the close of the evening, families drive to the front entrance and are given food boxes and red bags to take home.

Mark your calendars and keep watch for more information to come!  Signups should be available soon.  No special skills or training required.  Just a heart to share the story and love of Christ.

For questions, please contact Eddie Floyd at 423-488-6317.


By Donna Greeson
For the June, 2023, issue of the Communicator, I wrote an article about the Benevolence Fund, which included the story of a homeless woman, Sharon.  I want to tell you what has happened since and how you, as the church, have blessed her.

During her homelessness, the RUMC Benevolence Fund, American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, Ringgold First Baptist Church, Sheriff’s Benevolence Fund, The Caring Place in Cleveland, and friends have provided lodging for her.  (Continued p. 3)
Also, many hours of prayers and loving work have been spent to find a permanent home for her that is close to her job.

Here's the good news.  After one year of homelessness, Sharon was able to move into her apartment in Fort Oglethorpe on August 9!  In addition, under the direction of Bill and Phyllis Copeland, furniture and household items were provided and were moved into her new home.  Can I hear an Amen?

Also, due to the generosity of RUMC, the community, and friends more funds were received for Sharon than were needed - making it possible to serve others.

Many thanks to the entire RUMC family, community and friends.


By Kay Harrell
Our next 49er’s meeting will be November 14th at 1 PM in the church gym.  Note the time change!  We move our meetings to lunch time after we go back to eastern time.   The meeting is at 1 PM, so that the preschool can safely leave without our interference.

Our meal will consist of both barbecue and fried chicken.  Just bring either a salad, a vegetable, a casserole or a dessert to make our  meal complete.
Bonnie Piersol will address us with Are You Bored?  Let us explore your options.  Are you intrigued?   Join us at at the November meeting.

RSVP Kay Harrell.  423-504-2737.


By Editorial Staff
Sunday November 5th is All Saints Day. Please join us in this special service of remembrance of those saints who have gone to their heavenly home. Those saints being remembered this year are:
  • Bob Walker
  • Tom McMillen
  • Mary Goodner
  • Donna Swaney
  • Wayne Kelley


Shoebox Packing Party
Saturday, Nov. 4, 10-12AM in RUMC Gym

49ers Meeting 
Tuesday, Nov. 14, at 1 PM in RUMC Gym

Celebrating Church Mortgage Payoff
Sunday, Nov. 26th following the combined 10:30 service

Growing Stronger Exercise for Older Adults
Tuesdays/Thursdays 10-11 AM, RUMC gym

Recovery @ Ringgold
Thursdays at 6:30 PM in the MPR

RUMC Quilters
Thursdays at 8:30 AM - 2 PM, Room B-8

Sew What?
2nd and 4th Mondays at 10 AM, Room B-2

United Methodist Women
3rd Fridays at 11 AM, Room B-10


General Budget
Full Year Budget: $610,500
Budgeted in September: $50,875
Received in September: $41,536.06
Spent in September: $36,058
Budgeted September YTD: $466,664
Received September YTD: $384,883
Spent September YTD: $454,039
Mortgage Payment
Mortgage balance: $1021.24
Need in September: $1021.24
Received in September: $4220.00
Need YTD: 
Received September YTD: $45,734.24


In Person :
9 AM: 103
11 AM: 82
9 AM: 100
11 AM: 32


Building Fund
In Honor of Ann McMillen by:
Con & Beth Kellerhals

General Fund
In Honor of RUMC Preschool by:
Doug & Shannon Cline

Recovery at Ringgold
In Memory of James McNew by:
Janice Deal Hendrix
Ringgold United Methodist Church
706-935-4777 |
7484 Nashville St
Ringgold, GA 30736

Chris Bryant, Senior Pastor
Sally Ensley, Minister of Care
Britta Alton, Director of Children’s Ministry
Michael Arnold, Worship Band Leader
Kodi Lowry, Director of Preschool
Taylor Lankford, Executive Director of Worship and the Arts
Marty McGee, Coordinator of Senior Adult Ministries
Pam Blaylock, Office Administrator
Drew Sherrill, Communications and Technical Director
Jamie Smith, Director of Youth Ministry
Carolyn Turner, Organist
Ann McMillen, Pianist