Register your kids for...

The Best Week of the Summer

July 21st-28th

Register your kids for "The Best Week of the Summer" at Ringgold UMC, from Sunday, July 21st through Saturday, July 27th. This week-long extravaganza includes kids summer fun nights (VBS), music camp, movie nights, family pool party, and more! REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN.

  • Sunday Worship Kick-off: July 21, 9AM & 11AM
  • Kids Summer Fun Nights (VBS): July 21-24, 6-8PM
  • Kids Music Camp: July 25-26, 9AM-1PM
  • Kids Movie Nights: July 25-26, 6-8PM
  • Pool Party: July 27, 6-8PM
  • Sunday Worship Celebration: July 28, 9AM & 11AM